M401-24 Blackman Bay – Aids to Navigation

Mariners are advised the previously unlit Aids to Navigation at Blackman Bay, (Dunalley) are now lit. Flash characteristics are as follows:


Name Position Character Flash length Eclipse length
Port pile No. 6  42° 50.891’S   147° 52.476’E FL4s 0.4 3.6
Port pile No. 8 42° 51.022’S    147° 52.438’E FL 2s 0.4 1.6
Starboard Pile No.11  42° 51.299’S   147° 52.319’E FL 2s 0.4 1.6
Port pile No.14  42° 51.614’S   147° 52.226’E FL 5s 0.5 4.5
Starboard Pile No.15  42° 51.720’S   147° 52.049’E FL 3s 0.5 4.5
Starboard Pile No. 19  42° 52.326’S   147° 51.444’E ISO 4s 2.0 2.0


M398-24 Blackman Bay – Aids to Navigation is now cancelled.