Buying a Motor Boat

You will need to:

  • Complete an ‘Application to Change the Registered Operator of a Recreational Vessel’ form
    • Must be signed by all seller(s) and buyer(s)
    • Form can be found on the reverse side of the current Certificate of Registration; or
    • Print a blank Application to Change the Registered Operator of a Recreational Vessel; or
    • Forms are available at Service Tasmania
  • Lodge at any Service Tasmania within 14 days together with:
    • Current Tasmanian Driving Licence showing current address or Evidence of Identity for all buyers
    • Current Change of Registered Operator Fee

Failure to notify MAST within fourteen (14) days may result in a fine.

Any purchaser must declare that the boat they intend to purchase will not endanger a person due to one or more of the following:

  • The structural condition of the vessel, or a component of the vessel, that renders the vessel unfit to undertake a voyage for which the vessel is otherwise designed and would be, if not in that condition, capable of undertaking
  • The engine power rating of the vessel, as recommended by the manufacturer or recorded on the Australian Builders Plate (ABP), is being exceeded
  • The engine mass of the vessel, as recommended by the manufacturer or recorded on the ABP, is being exceeded
  • The absence of, or condition of, materials or items comprising the reserve buoyancy, or part of the reserve buoyancy of the vessel

Selling a Motor Boat

When you sell a Motor Boat, you are required to notify MAST within 14 days from the date of sale.  You will need to:

  • Complete a Notice of Disposal of a Recreational Vessel
    • Online (link below) or
    • Detach from reverse side of current Certificate of Registration; or
    • Print a blank Notice of Disposal of a Recreational Vessel
    • Provide name, address, date of birth and contact details of new registered operator
    • Must be signed by current registered operator
  • Lodge at any Service Tasmania or post to: GPO Box 607 HOBART 7001

If you are selling your boat you must declare it will not endanger a person due to one or more of the following:

  • The structural condition of the vessel, or a component of the vessel, that renders the vessel unfit to undertake a voyage for which the vessel is otherwise designed and would be, if not in that condition, capable of undertaking
  • The engine power rating of the vessel, as recommended by the manufacturer or recorded on the Australian Builders Plate (ABP), is being exceeded
  • The engine mass of the vessel, as recommended by the manufacturer or recorded on the ABP, is being exceeded
  • The absence of, or condition of, materials or items comprising the reserve buoyancy, or part of the reserve buoyancy of the vessel.

If you sell your boat and fail to notify MAST of the transfer of registration to a new registered operator, you will remain the registered operator and responsible for the vessel.

Lodging a Notice of Disposal of a Recreational Vessel Online

A notice of disposal of a recreational vessel can be lodged online if:

  • You have the following details of the buyer:
    • Full Name
    • Address
    • Date of Birth
    • Mobile Phone number
    • The vessel is registered in one name only
  • Date of Transfer

You will require a mobile phone – to complete the online form you will be sent a verification code.  A valid email address is also required to send you notification of successful lodgement.

Please note:  The online disposal notice does not negate the requirement for you to sign the Application to Change the Registered Operator of a Recreational Vessel form which is given to the buyer(s) at the time of sale.

Failure to notify MAST within seven (14) days may result in a fine. You will also remain the registered operator and responsible for the vessel.