The mooring (MASTPM4) has been designed by a naval architect for monohull vessels up to a maximum 15m LOA and multi hulled vessels up to a maximum 14m LOA, with a maximum wind speed of up to 40 knots.
Water Depth – approximately 7.0 metres at Low Tide.
The rules for the mooring’s use are as follows:
- A 4 hour time limit during day;
- Vessels picking up the mooring after 1.00pm may remain on the mooring overnight until 9.00am the following day;
- Maximum vessel length (Monohull) – 15 Metres;
- Maximum vessel length (Multihull – 14 Metres;
- The maximum wind rating 40 knots;
- Rafting up is not permitted;
- Care must be taken by user to ensure the head rope is protected from chafe;
- In severe weather conditions, the vessel must be closely monitored by the owner / operator
Please report any faults or issues to MAST on (03) 6235 8811 or email admin@mast.tas.gov.au