Annual Infrastructure Administration Fee

MAST is responsible for waterways management matters such as the provision of navigation aids, VHF radio services, facilities and ports and pilotage.  To ensure that DCVs operating in Tasmanian coastal waters continue to contribute to the costs of providing these services, MAST charges all commercial vessel owners an annual infrastructure administration fee.

This fee is based on the length of the vessel.

On payment of the Annual Infrastructure Administration Fee, MAST will issue a label that must be displayed in a prominent position on the vessel. If the label is not displayed, there is a provision for an infringement notice to be issued.

Vessel Home Port

The owner of a DCV that has not previously operated in Tasmanian coastal waters must notify MAST of the intended home port of the vessel. (See form below).

Change of Ownership

An owner of a DCV must notify MAST of any change of ownership. (See form below).

Retrieval of Information

MAST holds a number of past records that can be accessed by the owner of the vessel or Certificate of Competency holder upon payment of a fee. A Retrieval of Information form will need to be completed.

Should the information need copying from MAST records, a fee is also applicable.

Retrieval of Information24 Fee Units
(The Fee Unit for Financial Year 2024-25 is $1.87).
Total: $44.88
Copying Fee84 Fee Units (for each hour or part of hour)

Towage Permit Fee

A Towage permit is required for a vessel to be towed within Tasmanian Waters. If the tow is taking place within port limits only, or if it is a vessel in distress where immediate towage is required for the protection of life and property, then a towage permit is not required.

Towage Permit Fee84 fee units for each hour plus 1.07 units per kilometre travelled.Fee Unit for Financial Year 2024-25 is $1.87