Marine Infrastructure Plan 2023-2026
Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) transitioned to a funding format with an infrastructure plan to replace the 20-year-old Recreational Boating Fund in 2021. The infrastructure plan allows MAST to focus on projects and commence what can be sometimes a lengthy approval process to ensure infrastructure upgrades are “shovel” ready when the funding is available. The plan also allows MAST to allocate funds to specific safety initiatives to make boating safer and more enjoyable for all. The total spend on infrastructure and safety initiatives through the funding is $1.6 million per annum.
The Marine Infrastructure Plan 2023-2026 sets the parameters and guidelines for the delivery of new and updated recreational boating facilities and services in Tasmania over the next three years by Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST).
MAST wishes to continue to ensure that funds invested in infrastructure are used efficiently and effectively and that these funds are supplemented, where possible, with additional funds from facility owners. These owners may be local Councils, Hydro Tasmania, Inland Fisheries Service and other organisations who are prepared to offer the public access to their marine facilities. MAST will also continue to source separate State Government and Commonwealth Funding where available.
It is MAST’s aim to provide the recreational boating public with the best infrastructure possible and to ensure there remains transparency around where registration and licence fees are spent.
The need for a 3-year plan
Over a number of years, the time taken to obtain approvals from the various agencies and councils has increased significantly. As a result, there has been a need to carry forward expenditure from both funding streams (Registration and Licence fees) from one financial year to the next. This creates uncertainty in the delivery of projects.
With the complexities of marine construction, delays are also experienced through a shortage of suitable contractors and adverse weather conditions. Historically the best time for construction is late summer, autumn and very early into winter. However, with the delays experienced due to the approvals process, this is not always achievable.
The 3-year Marine Infrastructure Plan enables MAST to define the projects it wishes to undertake over this period, obtain all the necessary approvals and cost estimates and appoint contractors well in advance of the scheduled construction time frame.
The Marine Infrastructure Plan provides time for MAST to consult with facility owners about proposed improvements. This, in turn, provides the facility owners with time to budget for contributions towards the improvements.
It is important that flexibility remains within the plan and it is therefore reviewed annually. It may need to be amended if strategic direction changes with infrastructure projects. It is also important that the plan can be changed to meet the boating publics needs and expectations.
Proposed Projects under the Marine and Infrastructure Plan
Under the Plan, new infrastructure and upgrades to existing infrastructure have been identified through a desk top audit by three experienced MAST staff who have been involved in facilities for a combined period of 60 years at MAST. $1.3 million is provided annually, depending on registration renewal and licence renewal uptake to deliver the projects under the Plan.
The projects listed below are prioritised on an annual basis. Cost estimates for the projects will then be prepared and the approvals process can be commenced.
The proposed projects are state-wide and would enhance recreational boating and safety in each location and region.
As stated previously, flexibility within the Plan may mean that priorities change due to user needs, approval processes and funding availability.
Any changes to this Plan will be communicated to stakeholders.
Project | Comments | Financial Year |
Kelso | New pontoon at Kelso (completed) | 2023-2024 |
Penguin | Upgrade seaward end of low tide ramp (completed) | 2023-2024 |
Burnie | Install landing stage (completed) | 2023-2024 |
Eddystone Point | Upgrade boat ramp and construct landing stage (completed) | 2023-2024 |
Huntsman Lake | Install landing stage (completed) | 2023-2024 |
Little Pine Lagoon | Upgrade boat ramp and construct landing stage (completed) | 2023-2024 |
Lewisham | Extend landing stage and upgrade existing | 2024-2025 |
Boomer Bay (Dunalley) | Extend landing stage | 2024-2025 |
Geilston Bay | Upgrade boat ramp and install pontoon | 2024-2025 |
Catamaran | Pontoon replacement | 2024-2025 |
Nubeena (Parsons Bay) | Extend boat ramp | 2024-2025 |
Sisters Beach | Replacement of timber landing stage | 2025-2026 |
Lake Mackintosh | Install landing stage | 2025-2026 |
Port Sorell | Dredging at boat ramp | 2025-2026 |
Little Swanport | Pontoon extension and carpark | 2025-2026 |
Port Sorell Car Park | Elevate and upgrade parking area | 2026-2027 |
Small Boating Fund
In addition to the funding provided annually for larger projects, MAST provides $350 000 per annum to fund smaller projects and safety and navigation initiatives. The public and facility owners are encouraged to apply to fund projects under the Small Boating Fund (SBF). Examples of such projects may include navigation aids, fendering, small walkway or pontoon, ramp overlay, re-decking a walkway, ramp solar lighting etc.
The SBF is open year-round, and applications can be submitted at any time during the year.
Applications are assessed internally against the criteria specified on the application form by a committee of four staff.
Through this process stakeholders may also suggest larger projects to be included in the Marine Infrastructure and Safety Plan.
Small Boating Fund application forms are available from the MAST website (see below) or email or by phoning MAST on (03) 6235 8888.
A list of all projects funded by MAST and others since 1998 can also be viewed by clicking on the appropriate pdf file below.
If you have any concerns regarding the suitability of a project, please contact the Recreational Boating Team at MAST on (03) 6235 8888 or email