You can keep up to date with recreational boating through our Boatwise publication, an electronic newsletter and on Facebook.
Boatwise is published twice a year and mailed to boat licence holders and those with a vessel registered with MAST. Boatwise can also be viewed online.
An electronic newsletter is produced in between issues of Boatwise. If you would like to receive these updates from MAST, you can sign up below. This is for eNewsletters or Notices to Mariners only – not eBilling or Boatwise.
Facebook is a virtual bulletin board for MAST and provides an avenue for stakeholders to give valuable feedback. It is used to upload photos and videos and post information on matters such as ramp closures and upgrades, events, safety equipment, and important notices to mariners. Add MAST as a friend on Facebook.
Handbooks, Brochures and Fliers
Below is a list of MAST brochures and fact sheets, which can be viewed in PDF format.